Why the German soccer team should lose the World Cup (22nd June 2014)
Does Draghi get the euro wrong? (10 ocotber 2013)
Euro crisis/Greece: A new-old approach to overcome Greece´s economic depression (31 August 2013)
Thank you Germany: 166.9 billion more debt for us in 2012! (8th February 2013)
Eurozone crisis: Europe ignores relationship between growth and employment (7th February 2013)
Thank you Japan! Tee-hee Schäuble and Weidmann! (25th January 2013)
Fiscal cliff/A New Year´s greeting from Germany: Please don´t increase taxes for U.S. citizens (at least not for the non-rich) and don´t cut spending, simply tax imports from Germany (29th December 2012)
Miss Fortune: Angela in Eurowonderland (19th December 2012)
Italy: Barroso “praises” Monti´s “reforms” – but he is fundamentally wrong (16th December 2012)
Former Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück elected candidate for chancellor: No Christmas Carol (10th December 2012)
Euro area recession deepens – Germany is approaching zero growth (8th December 2012)